We deliver new food solutions with the safety,
reliability and quality you expect from a medical device
JOKOH Co., Ltd. began operation in 1947. Our mainstay operations are in the development and production of medical devices and analytical equipment and in nanotechnology. Through its locations in Japan and overseas, JOKOH provides products and services that support the health of society. As a company involved in medicine, with its deep significance for society, JOKOH is actively engaged in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). When we develop operations, we constantly consider their contribution to and impact on society in terms of the SDGs. Our concern for one of these goals, zero hunger, is what inspired us to create Miracle YOKO. JOKOH will continue to apply its expertise in the medical field to offer innovative products and services based on safety, reliability and quality.
JOKOH Co., Ltd.
Head office: 3-19-4 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
locations in Japan, 2 locations overseas (Taipei and
Summary of Operations
Medical device business
Medical diagnostic agent business
Nanotechnology business
Sustainable food business